We Buy Model Trains and Collections

We buy collections of both European and North American Model Trains

It is a common misconception that dealers who buy used trains pay ‘pennies on the dollar’. We do our best to give our customers the fairest price we can offer for their collections. The price we offer accounts for the work that goes into evaluating, testing, grading, photographing and posting online every product we take in. 

Please contact us or come into the store for more information. We ask that you do not bring collections of more than a few items into the store without contacting us first. We cannot always make the time to properly evaluate items unless you choose to leave them with us.

We generally do not buy;

  • department store train sets (plastic generic brands)
  • O scale trains (Lionel etc) (we can refer you to other buyers)
  • non-powered toys (Brio and other wooden railways)
  • assembled train layouts (although we may be interested once disassembled)